søndag 10. desember 2017

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reviews Das verborgene Leben der Meisen

A blue tit in my garden last weeK
Kai Spanke reviewed my bird book for the major German newspaper FAZ. I had some help in interpreting the review and I was quite pleased with it. So I would encourage anyone who reads German to have a look...
If you would like to buy the book, it is available in many bookstores, including:
It is available as an ebook as well as in print. 

søndag 26. november 2017

Next stop: Hamburg!

The German edition of my book, Das verborgene Leben der Meisen, has been out for a month. This weekend, I was happy to discover that literary critic Annemarie Stoltenberg in NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) included it in her list of book recommendations for Christmas.

This week, I'm going to Hamburg, to take part in Nordische Literaturtage.

I will present my bird book in a "New Voices from Norway" panel along with novelists Nina Lykke, Birger Emanuelsen and Tiril Broch Aakre.

fredag 10. november 2017

Das verborgene Leben der Meisen: First responses to the German Edition

German book bloggers have posted their first reviews of my bird book this week.

And they do like it!

"Dieses Sachbuch bietet einen unterhaltsamen und interessanten Einblick in das Leben der Meisen. Hobbyornithologen werden hiermit ihre Freude haben."

"Von Herzen vergebe ich diesem Buch fünf von fünf möglichen Sternen und empfehle es natürlich weiter."

"Fazit: Ein schön zu lesendes und informatives Buch über faszinierende Tiere vor der eigenen Haustür. Sehr empfehlenswert für jeden Vogelfreund und durch die schöne Aufmachung auch ein tolles Geschenk."

"Normalerweise habe ich diese Kategorie nicht in meinen Rezis, aber hier erschien sie mir nötig. Denn "Das verborgene Leben der Meisen" ist ein echtes Schmuckstück! Format, Cover und die vielen Bilder machen es zu einem Augenschmaus - nicht nur beim Lesen, sondern auch im Regal."

Five out of five stars from each of these. Thank you!

torsdag 12. oktober 2017

"Mit dem Auto erreicht man die Halbinsel Nesodden am Oslofjord aus südöstlicher Richtung, da sie dort mit dem Festland verbunden ist. Nimmt man die Landstraße 156, die Hauptverkehrsader, die an der Ostseite der Landzunge entlangführt, weichen die Fichten bald Weizenfeldern, Reiterhöfen und, je nach Jahreszeit, Erdbeer- oder Brennholzverkaufsständen. "

It's a thrill to read my own work translated into German, including descriptions of good old Nesodden!

A few pages from Das verborgene Leben der Meisen, translated by Paul Berf, was recently posted online by the publisher, Insel Verlag. The book should be out in a couple of weeks.


onsdag 2. august 2017

German edition of my bird book

The German edition of my bird book will be published in October. The title: Das verborgene Leben der Meisen. 

torsdag 11. august 2016

Two newspaper reviews of the Finnish edition!

My book about the secret life of the great tit and the blue tit is reviewed in the major Helsinki paper Iltalehti and also in another paper called Kouvolan Sanomat. As far as I understand the reviews of "Tiaisten salainen elämä" (Meisenes hemmelige liv) are quite favorable!

mandag 8. august 2016

Here are the results from the Finnish jury

Recently my songbird book - about the great tit and the blue tit, which are among the most common garden birds across Europe - was was translated from Norwegian and published in Finnish. It is strange to see your own work in a language you hardly understand a single word of!

A few Finnish book bloggers have read and reviewed Tiaisten salainen elämä / Meisenes hemmelige livAnd unless Google translate is playing tricks on me, they all do like it.

Thanks for reviewing, in any case. It means a lot that someone takes the effort to spread the word about new books.

Here are the reviews: